1. My car had a flat tire today.
  2. All my grand-kids invaded my house today.
  3. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed – the other side is my diet side
  4. The cat decided to mess in the middle of my bed.
  5. Today was red hat day
  6. Today was girls out day
  7. Today was the big game. All the guys met at the sports bar to watch it.
  8. I have a headache
  9. I have a cold
  10. I hate salads
  11. It was my next door neighbors birthday
  12. We had a potluck at the church
  13. There were so many leftovers from the holidays, I couldn’t let them go to waste
  14. I never have time to eat, I have to go through the drive through.
  15. Some one is always bringing donuts or goodies to work. I can’t hurt their feelings.
  16. It was below zero today.
  17. It was over 100 today
  18. It was raining today
  19. My spouse looked at me funny
  20. My bathroom scales are broken
  21. I lost my pedometer
  22. No one cares how I look
  23. I always fail, so why try
  24. My teeth hurt
  25. I have NO will power
  26. I can’t control my eating habits
  27. I have a hang nail
  28. The vacuum broke
  29. If I lose weight, I won’t have any clothes to wear.
  30. It costs too much to buy healthy foods
  31. I am too tired
  32. I am too stressed
  33. I am too short
  34. I am too tall
  35. I . . I. . .I . . oh well, there was another one, but I forgot.

Anyone else have an excuse why not to lose that extra weight?